Get happy! Aromatherapy to boost your mood

Here’s how to harness the power of aromatherapy to bring positive vibes to your day.
From the smell of cookies baking in the oven, to the memory of the honeysuckle that grew in your childhood backyard, there’s no doubt scent can be a powerful influence on mood.
Science backs this up. Receptors in our olfactory nerves (the nose) directly project to the areas of our brain involved in emotion, learning and long-term memory. Simply speaking, aromatherapy is a clever way to use one of our most powerful senses to shift mood and spark moments of joy.
But are some aromatherapy blends “happier” than others? We think so, and here are our top picks.
Top “Happy Blends”
1. Citrus-based scents
Citrus essential oils are renowned for their mood enhancing, uplifting effects.There’s just something about the fresh, tangy scent of lemon or orange that helps perk you up. These are the perfect blends to use if you’re feeling a bit dull or tired.
There are many different aromatherapy blends which include citrus, but some of our favourites are our Australian Natives Energy blend, featuring Lemon Myrtle and Lime, our Australian Natives Stress Blend, which includes Lemon Ironbark, and our Purify blend with Lemon-scented tea tree.
In the Coles Air Freshener aisle you can also find the Harmony Diffuser Oil – our most citrusy blend with Sweet Orange & Lemon.
2. Escapism scents
Where are most of us our happiest? On holidays, of course! If you have a “happy place”, or even somewhere you’ve always longed to visit, it’s quite possible there’s an aromatherapy blend in our Australian Natives Destinations range, or Air Care range to match.Pop on a diffuser oil inspired by the beauty of Cradle Mountain, the tranquility of the Kimberleys, or the lush canopies of the Daintree. Feel the saltwater spray of Noosa, or evoke the sunny warm sands of Bondi!
Even as you’re sitting in your office or doing housework, you can take a journey with your senses through a Rainforest or the Outback… your imagination is the limit. Smiling yet?
3. Food scents
What’s another reliable thing that makes us all smile? FOOD of course! And while there’s no spaghetti bolognaise diffuser oil (and that’s probably a good thing), if you’re a sweet tooth there are literally no end of options to enjoy your favourite scents - without the calories.No longer just domain of the candles, our Sweet Life Diffuser Oil range brings the ‘yum’ to the aromatherapy world.
Some of the delicious aromas in this range include Tropical Bliss (Lime & Coconut), Berry Ripe (Berries & Chocolate), Sugar & Spice (Apple pie), Caramel Latte (Caramel & Coffee), Tropical Punch (Tropical fruits), and NEW Decadent Tiramisu and Strawberries & Cream.
Drooling yet? Time to indulge in the sweeter side of life!
4. Nostalgic scents
This one is very individual. Are there scents you just really love, even though you might not be sure why? It might be a certain Impulse fragrance from your teen years; or the scent of jasmine from your Nan’s garden. It might be the scent of gum leaves on a bush walk, or freshly cut grass.
When you find an aroma you’re drawn to, and really pushes your joy buttons, it’s worth finding out if there’s an aromatherapy blend or essential oil to match.
Lavender oil is a surprisingly common nostalgia trigger for many, and it’s a beautiful oil to incorporate in aromatherapy, beauty DIY’s or to use around the home or laundry. Click here for some of our favourite ways to use Lavender Oil.
Reference: Effects of odour on emotions, Kadohisa, Front Syst Neurosci. 2013; 7: 66,2013.
Always read the label and follow the directions for use.